<== The Father of Death [!]

Darling Emily, everything that I have done, I have done for you,
But it’s turned out all wrong.

Can I take it back? Can I turn off this machine
Before it destroys everything that I’ve loved?

I will find a way to make this right!
I will find a way, Emily.
I will not be the father of death!

The Creator.. the rumors were that there was more than one creator that made the Rangers..”

“That there were two. One saw our power used to bring salvation to our island home.”

“The other saw our power used to bring about a regime..”

“They fought.. they clashed and in the beginning.. there were innocents caught in the middle.”

“Close friends, family.. hells even his loved ones were caught in the crossfire..”

“It’s been years now since then.. he says that he’s moved on..”

“But I can see it in his eyes.. his timeless gaze that he still hurts..”

“But he isn’t the Father of Death.. It wasn’t his fault..”

– Belladonna Slater, Ranger of the First Age.

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