“Whispers in our head…”

“We came at our own behest of curiosity.”

“All of us… or rather.. most of us having heard whispers… beckoning us for… Them.”

“Ozerov, Kaisin Ozerov. Organizer of this whispered meeting. While he, himself didn’t hear whispers.. he knew people who did. And decided to through a chance to the world and see who’d come.”

“We even have a linkshell now to converse…”

“What are we…? We’re no Glass Network. Even if some of us are here.. But no..”

“We are ‘The Children’ the voices referred to…”

“What that means? Hells who knows…”

“Some people were here, coming with intrigue and curiosity. Some out of fear… some out of challenge with a smile on their face..” 

“But deep down we’re all scared…”

“We all just show it differently…”

||| There’s a lot of people to tag! If you were here, and see someone that wasn’t tagged, tag them! |||

I can’t tag the-faceless for w/e reason? [[Yall this ARG is too good]]

@enambris @rhotano-rose @liasahrgo @lilyverlial @winterdeepelegy @sasha-rochester @justjaigffxiv @tobethestrongest @ramensaucerp @derelict-noctis @neheon-kha @lukelxiv @brytedarklyt

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