
👀 Sinful Sunday – FFXIV Edition!

Send one of these to your fav FFXIV musey-muses and watch innocence get murdered. Featuring some themed and some general questions about debauchery. 

🤤 – Which of the seven races would they prefer in the bedroom? 

😴 – Name an NPC they have had naughty hot dreams about

🌅 – Favorite or most desired city/region/place to do the do, outside of the bedroom? 

🎢 – Where did they learn about a kink they realized they’re into? 

❤️ – Does their sexual identification stray from the norm of their race/culture?

😡 – Have they ever been discovered whilst committing sin?

😕 – Which of the seven races (if any) are they not into? 

💬 – Do they want their partner to talk like a Lominsan in the bedroom?

💦 – Have they ever thirsted for the dancers in Ul’dah?

😳 – Have they ever picked someone up the Quicksand? Winkwonk. 

😋 – If someone could do just one thing to get them in the mood, what would that thing be? 

😍 – How many people have they slept with? Are they ashamed or proud of it?

😘 – How many people have they ever slept with at the same time? 

💋 – Have they ever visited or worked at a brothel? What do they think of them?

🤑 – Would they ever consider paying gil for sexual favors? Or take gil for it?

🤫 – Have they ever seen someone do something they shouldn’t have seen? 

😐 – What turns them off? 

😈 – How do they deal with temptation? Can they tolerate it? 

🤨 – What do they find strange or difficult to understand about sexuality? In themselves and others? 

🤥 – Have they ever been unfaithful? Did they come clean or lie about it?

🤭 – Who in their current circle of friends do they fancy the most, if any?

😓 – What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened for/to them during sex?

😶 – What has left them truly breathless? 

💊 – Have they ever contracted the Crotch Rot? The Kissing Disease? Are they fearful of STD’s?

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