Character Voice: Belladonna Slater

Belladonna’s sort of voice claim, I suppose is very.. gruff yet feminine. She’s very tough. Serious but also very charismatic in that vein. Rich with life but teeming with seriousness and the like. If that makes anysense? I have never been able to quite properly figure out a way to describe it the way

Laura Bailey portrays it as Kaine in NieR.

This clip as Kaine can essentially give you the best example of Belladonna’s voice. While, she is currently (cursed) to be an elezen, her voice is a bit more.. lofty and and low, she can still give the fire. 

Tagged by: @isuke-ejinn

Tagging: @enambris @lydia-ffxiv @lilyverlial @thegildenheart (one of your characters!) @bride-and-bride @ahlis-xiv @polymorphologist @the-wayward-wayman @moonstruck-ffxiv

Morality Check | Belladonna Nan Slater

bold all the things your muse has done or will do

murder / manslaughter / assault / robbery / breaking & entering / theft / embezzlement/ kidnapping / torture / blackmail / arson / trespassing / treason / libel or slander /obstruction of justice / lying to law enforcement / creation of a weapon / espionage / riot  / escape from lawful custody / contempt of court / public intoxication / conspiracy /accessory to a crime / harboring a fugitive / bribery / perjury under oath / resisting arrest / identity theft / corporate fraud / tax fraud / document forgery / destruction of evidence / assassination / counterfeiting / sale of a controlled substance / purchase of a controlled substance / failure to pay child support / hacking crimes / threat / pick-pocketing / shoplifting /

We all forgotten what she’s done before haven’t we?

Tagged by: @isuke-ejinn ❤ , @justjaigffxiv

Tagging: @lilyverlial @enambris @bride-and-bride @thegildenheart @couldnt-kir-less @ahlis-xiv @captain-rummidew and anyone else who wants to do it!

Greek Muse: Belladonna Slater

You got: Terpsichore

The Muse of Dance – When it comes to romance novels, you like them intricate and unexpected. Full of twists and turns as the lovers are blown about by the winds of fate, you look for passion and grace in every line and when the perfect plot twist occurs, you cannot help but gasp aloud.


I still have nothing clever

Take the quiz [here]

Tagged by: @accaliadecorus thank you!

Tagging: @thegildenheart @bride-and-bride @garlean-nonsense @garleanscum @season-of-maha @cyrillien

Word Association – Belladonna Slater

I. Animal: Hawk

II. Color(s): Blue and Gold

III. Month:  Fourth Astral Moon (Byregot)

IV. Song: Rebel Yell – Billy Idol (Blakwall’s cover)

V. Number: 6

VI. Day or Night: Night

VII. Plant: Orchids

VIII. Smell: Seabreeze

IX. Periodic Element: Bismuth

X. Season: Autumn

XI. Place: Cliff-side, overlooking the Ranger’s home.

XII. Food:


XIII. Astrological Sign: Taurus (

Llymlaen… I think ?)

XIV. Element(s):  Thunder, Ice

XV. Drink: Anything Alcoholic.

Tagged by: @season-of-maha thank you!

Tagging: @ahlis-xiv @bride-and-bride @enambris @thegildenheart @the-hawkeyes

Face Claim: Belladonna Slater

Rules: Pick the person who you think is best fitting for your character(s)!


Belladonna, as conveinient (or lucky) as it turned out.. Naomi Scott, as Kimberly Hart from Power Rangers (2017) wound up being a pretty good match in all honesty.

Tagged by: @thegildenheart Always tagging me, I really really appreciate it! These are always so much fun! Thank you! Edit: @lizardwaifu

Tagging: @bride-and-bride @lizardwaifu @enambris @ayyymeric @the-hawkeyes @marius-ffxiv @couldnt-kir-less @accaliadecorus @bellows-breath @derelict-noctis