[!] Loneliness ==>




A strong word, isn’t it? A word so bold and so bitterly cold that when used it can shift cities and move mountains if one dared to wield it so strongly. It’s also a word to describe how it has been… locked away in a cell. For days upon end and visitations so sparse that they seemed like the heavens’ light when someone walked through iron cast doors to stand before the reinforced glass.

While a deal had been made between a Scholar and a Demon to free the beast of a Woman and bring her back to them… there was no guarantee that the process would be quick, there was no guarantee that the process would be easy… Yet with all things that our daring Ranger had gone through… this seemed to be the most cruel.

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|| A new challenger enters the fray! ||

“Grandfather said this, Even if the world is full of enemies, there is someone you must protect.”

“I probably won’t let you down, Luv.”

“Now relax!”

“This babe is walking the path of the Heavens.”

Chaele A.

 (Currently on Mateus before realm visiting!)

The Hunt: Revelation  – RP Event – GM’s Excerpt



Tagging for their participation: 

|| @isuke-ejinn @enambris @lilyverlial @nenet-ffxiv @bride-and-bride @glowinggunmetal @polymorphologist @rukaelf​ ||

|| Thank you very much for playing! ||

[[Warning! The following section of the event contains graphical violence, dismemberment and other mature themes not suited for young or unprepared audiences. You may want to skip this part if you find yourself possibly uneasy. Thank you for reading! ]]

Bits from both Luke and Reina quietly made their way through the denser parts of the fog, disappearing into the mists to spread out further than footfalls could and scout the terrain in hopes of finding their target in far more clarity. The bits themselves shot through tangles of vines silently as something pinged along their sensory arrays.

By some miracle, or perhaps by luck it was in fact; the source of the mist. The fog shifting through the deep jungle here surrounded their target, exuding from it like a never ending well. Of course.. it had been like this for a while, especially without how much of a rain forest this was, steam supported and no doubt fed the continuous swell.

But… just as the bits pinged their organic target…they pinged several others as well.. These were small, cast out, tossed aside, strewn through every part of the immediate area. Along tree branches, hanging from the canopy like supposed vines. Several pings if not many were along the ground, right beneath the party’s very feet.

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[Reader Warning:]

|| Themes of character mental instability and nightmares are involved || 

[Hence title]


The swarming stings..

The hallowed horrid buzzing, the chomping of maws, the irritable hum of fluttering wings.. the wrapping of tentacles, slinking of flesh and crack of bones as they twisted beyond bend. Sounds of rancor filled her ears as her mind was assaulted with the twisted thoughts and black water. A chiding of voices not belonging to her own in restless slumber caused the woman to toss and turn beneath silken sheets. Slowly her eye pried itself open, her body pulling itself up out of the warmth of the bed to sit on the edge of it.

It was quiet, and yet, her mind in a clamor of disarray, the only other sound in the darkened bed room were the gentle purrs of her partner. Their prosthetic metal tail wrapping around her arm in the gentle silence. A silent calm help for the weary and restless. Bella lay still for but a moment before shifting again, trying to push her thoughts away, to try and fall back asleep.

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