Destiny’s Reflection

|| Mentions: @lilyverlial

Peace and quiet. 

Something that everyone wants but never got. Something most souls strive for in the end. Well… one could hope that they do. Simple thoughts for not so simple people. Noble thoughts for a not so noble people. But one could always be respected for dreaming of that. No? Especially in this world of living gods and monsters.

Those were things always fought for by the average man, by the average adventurer. Some would fight and be remembered, others would only fight and fall into obscurity, forgotten by time, lost without meaning. And then there were some that would fight just to survive. Those of the absolute former were always against the world, or rather, the world was against them.

For the Rangers of Gisana. they saw their lives like this. The world’s gnarled and fanged maw agape, simple waiting for them to fall into that bloodied darkness. Belladonna saw it better than anyone. She knew that darkness waiting for them, saw it first hand, greeted it with a cry as a young girl. Some would see her as the one woman who has done it all, seen it all and still fights.

Were one to ask exactly why she still fights against those impossible odds, she, once upon a time might have said that her reason was lost long ago to the annals of time and that this life was all that she knew.

But so many could simply say the same in that regard. That this life of war was all that they had left. And Bella, even as she sits still on an open windowsill looking out to the Thavnairian island city of Gisana, reflecting on it all, she herself would know a different answer to that question.

As the midnight stars twinkled high above the rolling and seemingly endless horizon beyond the island’s beaches, Bella, as she sat there would feel her answer. For there, in her arms was a gentle shift. Her loving partner rested ever so quietly, nestled into her arms. Her magitech tail flicking idly in the air from side to side every so often as she she slept.

The elezen’s one eye drifted from the star side horizon to look at her partner with a soft smile. Her arms gently pulling the sleeping miqote closer into her fold. A gentle pair of lips press themselves atop Lily’s head. The woman’s ears twitching in their sleep as the shade of a smile shifted onto her face ever so slightly.

Now, were someone to ask why she fights ever onward, even after everything she has done, after everything you could have learned that she has been through. The Last blue Ranger would simply smile and gesture to the woman that slept so calmly in her arms.

The Ranger had found someone again. Someone she truly felt for. Perhaps it wasn’t so clear to her before, perhaps it was. That this woman, Lily, was someone that destiny had saw fit to bring forth and entwine their fates. the thoughts of her flicked through her mind, racing at lightning pace as the memories of why they were here, in Thavnair and not in Eorzea came rushing back.

The Fear. The Worry. The Ache. Lily’s curse, once thought buried for good had come again. It had surfaced and struck a fear into the miqote’s heart that was once thought quelled. Belladonna’s arms tightened around Lily like a blanket as the thoughts and memories of simply hours ago came flooding back.

Her reason to fight, then and there came very clear. To fight for Her happiness, Her Smile, Her laugh, and Her love. To see that fear creep onto her partner’s face brought pain, it brought a sweeping devastation that struck harder than any hammer could.

That reason. Something so simple in contrast for the woman who has seen it all and done it all. But it was something so clear to her, something that she could see right then and there, here and now as she thought back on it all. It was something from the watery reflection of the stars forever in the sky. 

For her, this was Destiny’s reflection.