I can’t believe that we were over..
That there was no place for you and me..
I hope you knew that I was trying,
To make us meant to be.

I really thought that you would change me
I thought that I had found the one
But now I’m back in my old circles
And all is said and done


I’m sorry for not loving you more..
There’s someone else that’s taken my place
But my heart has fallen hopelessly..

In love with love..
Hopelessly in love with–
In love with you..

“I.. I know we can’t turn back the clock.. and fix what was destroyed..”

“But thank you..”

“For letting me fall for you… a second time..”


[RP encounter[!] with Cormag Dresden]

Cormag’s work has yet to never bear any form of fruit in the regards of progress. Today wasn’t anything quite obnoxious or dangerous. At least… not externally. The man himself gazed about the board, examining the scrawling of the Ranger herself. Each little phrase and sentence was simply fragments of her trains of thought, each seemingly random, random enough to never make any sense.. to the regular viewing eye of course… but the longer the man stared, he could see visual patterns, wrong letters of each word in every little phrase was capitalized instead of proper grammar. 

Surely it was a stretch, but the evidence; each letter aligned perfectly to shape small key word… in particular; “amore sanguinoso” stuck out the most. For what purpose though was of another problem and mystery entirely. 

Perhaps it was simply words from Bella’s city? The culture, no doubt it would make sense.. But what truly did it mean?


Some time passed, Cormag then again looked to the schematics board. His eye catching the sigils giving the faintest of glows against the already dried ink. The sigils and symbols were all rotating, clockwise. All… save for one. Its colors of a vibrant and shifting purple. The sigil itself was rotating counter clockwise, as opposed to the others that turned bit by bit. Something edged him away, maybe the call of the seemingly endless problem of power and aether conversion or even something else. 

But he wouldn’t find out, not now at least. With a steadied hand, he progresses the mathematical problem as well as making some slight footnotes and adjustments to a few measurements on the schematics themselves for the morphers. Harmless adjustments, but in the grand scheme of things.. it would ideally save time and ensure more safety for the users… whomever they would be.

As the adjustments were being made, Cormag simply couldn’t help but gaze at the sigil. His curiosity as to what the magic symbols would entail was all too tantalizing to resist! Around him, he would barely notice that his senses were shutting down, one by one. Things grew cold and numb as the purple colors of this specific sigil seemed to captivate the man and all his might. Within several blinks he would find himself in a broken courtyard, rubble and fire were strewn about as hurried boots scurry past and around him. 

With a turn of his head, he would see two Rangers locked in a rather vicious combat. Their blades connecting time and time again before one and the other would land spark-inducing strikes across the other’s armor. They traded blows as around them beasts and Rangers fought one another.  This seemed to be a marginal disagreement… but for what?


The rangers locked in combat against the demons outside of the courtyard were roughly of the same armor design while one of theirs was locked in a nigh near endless duel with a Ranger much like them… but something about this one… seemed… off. Their visage was darker, wisps of black could be seen drifting and leaving their hands and eyes. It was.. a dark and mesmerizing. 

 Before long though, Cormag’s visage and senses would return to him. The fighting around him would disappear into nothingness as the memory passes…

  Curiosity [!]  [E N D]

Hands to the sky I swore I’d try
Searching for a better life
They would take us far from home
Far from all the things we know
Used to feel my body shake, I won’t
Ever break another bone
We ran out of luck I know
Now we’re indestructible…  

<== Memory [!]                                 The Darkest Hour – Part 2

[Part 1]

The ground trembled and quake as the beasts of eld coursed through the city’s veins down below. The Rangers in the city streets fought to stay alive while guiding the citizens they could reach to the docks by the dozens. Barely making it to the next street over to reach more people themselves. The duty was theirs as the city itself began to fully awaken, the screams of Rangers falling one by one and the people trapped below as the maws and claws of Darkness ebbed ever closed, claiming more and more victims. 


Bella has seen the city a thousand-thousand times before, but never like this. The city’s skyline was nothing but ablaze as the washing darkness came and went through the streets like a wave from the ocean. Taking and never giving as her team above raced along the city’s main wall to reach the gatehouses. 

Before long the demons would break through the upper sanctums of the city, reaching the overlook of the walls, their crimson dripping claws and fangs trailing red behind them as they raced for the Rangers on approach. Taking bounding leaps ahead, several of them brought their swords forth, piercing the oncoming dark, clearing the path ahead as much as they could.

The mission in their minds was to reach the gatehouses no matter the cost, no matter the loss and no matter the blood-price. Those that fell behind on the wall turned to face the washing darkness, attempting to at least give the those that remained running a head start to stem the seemingly endless tide. 

Metal stomps and skids sounded out against the towering stonewalls as yet another Ranger before Bella squared their shoulder for a charge into the iron door that awaited them. With a clattering crash of metal and bone, the door yielded open, it’s hinges snapping, sending the iron brick sailing across the first gatehouse and into the other door. 


A thunderous tumble sent the first Ranger spiraling to the floor with a grunt as the others around reached for the broken door, lifting it quickly to close the way they came from. The gurgles and roar of the bloodthirsty voidsent on the other end were all they heard now. The blockade they created with the broken door and desks in the room would prove to half the demons for just a little bit longer. 

Bella had already raced to the gate’s controls, and the open maw of the giant doors below began to grind to a close, the metal chains and gears within the stonewalls clattering against one another before the doors themselves slammed and locked shut. The team, those that remained breathed out a small sigh of relief that was only soon quelled and changed with the screams of fear as the door and desks against their entrance began to give way and break. 

Looking through the glass thirty stories high, she could only see the city itself crumbling, burning before her very eyes. The sight itself churning her stomach, twisting and crushing it as her heart was sent spiraling down into the deepest pit. “We need to go. We need to close the rest of the gates.” Bella barked with a broken voice. As she spoke, she caught sight of a group of children being led by one of the Rangers, the glimmer of a smile on her face before it was shot off by the laughter of a beast that stood at their exit. 

A Ranger himself yet… she couldn’t recognize the face nor the armor he wore. The door remained open behind him as he took clawed steps into the gatehouse, unyielding red eyes dancing about the room to examine who stood there. The heat of the fires from the city below began to creep through the air behind him as if nothing but a grim reminder of the destruction. The maw of his helmet opened to speak but no words were uttered, the speech no doubt already silenced by the tumble of another Ranger onto the wolf in sheep’s clothing. 


“GO!” They’d shout, sending the others in the room outward toward the rest of their goal. One by one they’d file out in quick succession, Belladonna herself stopping to stare, fear evident in her stance. “Dammit girl, GO. GO!” He yelled. She’d feel the tug and yank of her arm and hand as another Ranger pulled her along. “Go, come on! We have to go!” 

Bella remained silent as she watched Krita be thrown to the other side of the room, the crash of metal following soon after. The beast stood tall in their armor, moving to follow those that fled through the exit, but with the splinter of wood and metal, the demons, the voidsent that were fighting their way inward soon claimed their prizes, both Rangers seemed to be enveloped by the wave of black.

Both their screams filled the air, adding to the bloodied chorus that already sang through the burning skies. Each new voice that came into the air made Bella’s heart sink lower and lower, if there was an end to the pit she felt, it’d be still ever far from what she was feeling. The hyur herself was rushing to keep up with the Rangers before her, and with every gatehouse they’d reach, more of the same sights. The Rangers below were rescuing all they could, their numbers notably dwindling with each passing moment. 

Yet as she brought her sight to the entry way to the harbor and its docks, the Rangers stood-fast and tall, defending all they could, their firearms discharging and their shields standing as they guided those they could to the boats that set sail. The demons that hunted seemed to refuse touching the waters, as if it were blessed by the gods, a token of salvation in the darkest night. 

With every gate that closed, Bella’s team so too dwindle. As they passed their fourth, the gates below gained no more power to close. The decision was made during the sprints between each house and skirmish that they would destroy whichever gate that couldn’t be closed. Leaving the remaining power in the grid to close what remained. 

The wall trembled with each passing explosion as two gatehouses crumbled to the earth below, their gates now nothing but impassable rubble. Only three gates remained, now. Bell took the charge into the central gate, her heart thumping harder and harder as she felt the dread of death creeping up her spine. 

The door had already been opened, an observation quickly made as she rushed in, two other Rangers right behind her. The entire room was empty, not a single soul about, the console itself was offline, no levers turn or switch to flick would close the gate below, the biggest of all the others about. Belladonna looked across the window to spy the other two gatehouses before clutching the explosives in her hand. Before she could say a single word, behind one of the other Rangers appeared Red, a color that resonated with the dripping of blood on the ground. 

The kiss of steel and flesh echoed in over and over within the building as a bloodied blade ripped through one of the Rangers, crimson splattering across the window and walls beside. Unlike the others, this face was not covered, no. She knew who stood, having cut down one of the last on the wall. 



Quicker than the lightning that flashed in the darkened skies against the auburn earth the Rangers shifted, Bella bringing up a blade against the descending arc of her lover’s sword. The hiss of ringing steel sang throughout the facility as the last Ranger ran for the door ahead, nabbing what explosives they could before tossing them deep into the facility to shatter the foundation when the time came.


The crunching of old and fallen leaves beneath leather-bound boots brought Bella back to her senses once more as she looked about, amidst her traveling memories so too did she walk. Her surroundings were foliage, greens and browns against the dense cold evening air.  

Where did she go, lost in her own mind? As her only eye gazed about the area, she could only figure somewhere between Thanalan and the Black Shroud, an.. off-the-reserve path as it were between both regions. The towering trees before her and the plateaus of the desert behind her. A look to the sky told her it wasn’t past midnight yet, perhaps a little less than a bell till. The coat she wore earlier in the day was wrapped around her waist, the bruises and scars along her arms were showing fairly clear in the silver moonlight. The wind, it’s caressing breeze seemed to dance with her hair, carrying it strand by strand in a gentle waltz. 


[accompanying song]

What was she remembering…? A thought coming across her mind before she thought back to what happened. The taste of crimson filling her senses as the burning wood of buildings below filled her nostrils, the air thick with smoke and cinders, mixing with the wafting scent of blood in the summer city’s breeze. The roaring of creatures filling the burning silence between her and her lover as their swords locked at their hilts. Serrated edges seeming to interlock with one another as her eyes revealed themselves in the ‘ghosting’ helmet. 

The metal Ranger helm she wore changed visually, its wolf faceplate dissipating to reveal the hurting girl beneath. León stood across from her, his eye staring down what he saw with the burning rage of a thousand suns. His visage was darkened the sclera of his eyes burned in patters of red and black.  

León.. Why?! WHY THIS?!” Bella screamed, tears pouring down her face as she pressed her blade further, the scraping of metal crying out as their blades clashed another time… and another… and another, a third, a fourth… Each swing was met with the counter, her voice crying and pleading, begging for an answer. 


With a twist of their wrists at the next clash, their blades flung back, sending both wielders to opposite walls with a crashing of metal. A wave of untold force resonating throughout the room. Both Rangers fell to the floor with a grunt and tumble. 

Seconds seem to pass as they both began to struggle to their feet, shuddering footsteps as they raced for their swords. Bella, with a leap and scream bounded off the pillar nearest her descending upon

León, her sword reflecting as much outside light as she could to try and blind the boy. The dance of ringing steel sang throughout the gatehouse once more till their blades interlocked once more. Belladonna’s voice pleading out to her love, beckoning him back to her.. whichever way she could.

“León please!”

“I will not fight you.” [”You have no choice”]
“I’ll stand beside you!” [”I stand alone.”]
“You were their hero.” [”They were fools.”]
“This cannot be the only way!” [”You will see.”]

With a violent push away from the other, both Rangers collided back into the walls, falling to the floor once more. Colors of blue and red flashed in the room as fist for first clashed against the other, Belladonna sliding to the floor in an attempt to sweep her sword against his legs to cripple León, all the while his sword swung to where her head would’ve been in the work to cleave her.


“They don’t deserve this.” [”When this is through,”]
“Now more than ever,” [”This city will fall.”]
“We are their hope!” [”They would not stand.”]

Even as they dove to avoid the others words and swords, it was evident they they were struggling whether it were to speak or to hurt the other. Both hearts wished it didn’t come to the terms that this was but the darkness crept into his heart, deeper and deeper till it blackened out all light. Bella’s words fell onto the deafest of ears as he returned every swing, every punch and kick, no matter the strength.

“They know no better.” [”They would not fight.”]
“They were not ready.” [”They never were.”]
“Even now there is hope for them!” [”My father’s words!”]

The foundation beneath them trembled and shuttered as larger demons began to force their way into the city gates. The viewing glass below showed nigh near eldritch creatures attempted to pry the iron gates open, their large presence blocking the rest of the voidsent from seeping through the remaining gates. Across the wall, in the final gate house, Bella could see between the clashing of her blades that the final Ranger had made it. 

Their prediction of power left in the walls was correct, the gates were closing. All that was left was for the central gate to close, but the power was already being used. During the break for the central gatehouse, both Her and the Rangers remaining decided that those who would leave for the remaining gates would destroy the central, forcing it to close with what explosives that remained. 

“Your father loved you.” [“She still believes?”]
“Our hearts were broken.” [”Your only weakness.”]
“Our greatest strength!” [”How we shall see.”]

You are not evil,” [”If they will stand.”]
“You are not broken.” [”beside their heroes.”]
“We both know they’ll never fight!”

A blinding and burning flame enveloped the gatehouse, sending both Rangers to the ground once more. The building itself began to crumble as the charges placed around erupted in explosions that thundered throughout the burning city.

[”You finally get it.”]

”You forgot us.”


[”There were no heroes”]

”What about us?”


[”This city is doomed”]

“We are too..”

The spectacle of the explosion was a sight even from the harbor as the remaining Rangers witnessed the final gate fall into the fires below, crumbling into nothing, blocking the threat of the demons that laid waste to their beloved home. From the harbor itself most of the city sat in whatever boats they could, galleons, transports, sailboats and even dinghys were filled beyond capacity. 

Not a soul uttered a word as they watched the main gate collapse to the burning earth below. Cinders, ash, and dust filled the air around as the warm sea breeze began to choke the most stalwart of faces. 

Crumbling ruins lay around them as the cries of demons began to fade. The glimmer of auburn shades in the evening sky began to turn the black night into vibrant hues. The cloudy skies broke to reveal the gentle morning stars that twinkled above the smoke. Belladonna’s mind was in a haze as she released her blade, tumbling down the rubble till she lay still. Every part of her ached as cuts that slew through the Ranger’s metal burned with the cinders and singes that came with them. 

No one saw the final strike. The light from the explosions was blinding. The crash of their blades was deafening. As the smoke cleared and billowed away to show the scene in gentle warm morning light against the darkest night, only Belladonna remained standing. The two lovers remained, hand in hand before she tumbled off the mount. Her body thudding against some of the larger rocks before she was held still, hand still clinging to León’s fingers. 

Belladonna’s head rest against the warm stone as  the morning sun greeted her tired gaze. The muted ringing of her ears blocked out all sound as the warm caress of the summer city’s sun was she could have this morning. Slowly but surely she began to fade, her eyes becoming heavy, feather turned lead weight as she greeted whatever awaited her beyond this.


Ever gentle the Shroud’s breeze, despite the cold winter would greet her numbed skin. The spikes along her spine rattling as if calling her to attention. Her armor was on, the same design she wore that night, that… darkest of nights. She sat poised against a tree, the gentle city of Gridania in sight from the cliff she sat near. Far, far beyond the horizon, the shimmering warm colors of morning would soon come. A gentle reminder that the memory of the Darkest Night.. was just that, now.. Surely.

A memory.



[Part 1]

[Part 2 – E N D]

So be it,
Send your armies
There’s no man or demon
that can stop me, 
and you’ll soon see
I came with vengeance
For the Rangers of light, and i’m ready, and I’m willing, and I’m prepared to fight.
Send me the best you’ve got. Send me your strongest demon.

The fight my Rangers fought, here, now, will end with me.

Bella stood on the center platform on a rather oddly cold night, her heart thumping deep in her chest as she gazed out to the patrons, their warm bubbling drinks in hand while they talked amongst themselves before her drummer dared to strike the snare. The gentle warmth of the crackling fires pits nearby brought the whispering waves of oaken wood burning into her lungs. A welcome feeling to help sober the poor woman up.

Her mind was in a daze, foggy and filled with so many mixed feelings as she recalled everything that had happened prior to Starlight Eve’. She fell for a woman of magick, only to have them go away and leave her with a book to study to help with the Ranger project. She met with her Ex-wife after a year of absence and silence. That entire night filled with mixed feelings, yet in the end, when that morning sun came, they were in each other’s arms. Taking in what they had missed over the year since their falling out. 

The hyur’s thoughts were all a simple mix of confusion, unsure how to feel, yet glad they happened. But.. perhaps that was why she was here? Standing before a crowd for a night of simple post-holiday reverie. Heavensturn had yet to be announced but people were already lining the event-boards with day-to-day activities till the yearly turn. 

There was a sharp whistle that called her attention, nearby, perhaps even beside her. A blink of her one eye spotted her old guitarist, grinning like the madman he was. “Don’t blank out on us yes, old girl.” he laughed, tuning his amped six-string one last time before his fingers took a metal pick, strumming the metal chords to signal the start. 

[Song link!] 

Bella’s voice, sorrowful yet strong as ever as her boot’s heel stomped against the metal mic’s base. Her eye seemed to take in the starry night’s sky behind the bright spotlights and the torches that lit the stage. She brought every word up with a hint of pain to amplify the power that the lyrics could every provide in her starting solo, setting the mood properly. 

♪And every time you walk out, the less I love you
Baby, we don’t stand a chance, it’s sad but it’s true ♪

♪ I’m getting way too good at goodbyes ♪

As if in unison the band leaped into the air, bouncing with their heads bobbing up and down as their hair, first clean and straightened began to jump up and down over and over as the music washed into the air, sending the waves of the guitar’s thrumming, the bass’ rumbles and the drums’ beats resonating into the La Noscean air.

Bell gripped the mic and it’s silver stand as she bounded on her toes, her one eye shut as she wore a pained smile before stomping onto the stone stage once, yanking her head up to press her lips against the microphone, her voice close and personal as she spoke her lyrics. Her one eye half-lidded as she looked to the patrons, as if making every letter she spoke give a more personal feeling, no doubt stirring the minds and hearts watching.

You must think that I’m stupid
You must think that I’m a fool
You must think that I’m new to this
But I have seen this all before

I’m never gonna let you close to me
Even though you mean the most to me
‘Cause every time I open up, it hurts
So I’m never gonna get too close to you
Even when I mean the most to you
In case you go and leave me in the dirt

But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry
And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry
And every time you walk out, the less I love you
Baby, we don’t stand a chance, it’s sad but it’s true

Now Bella was gently rocking from side to side on her heels, her hips rolling as she brought the metal stand close to her, dragging it across the stone, forcing it to tilt’s base as she led her faithful old band in the first chorus. Every first line she’d pull the mic close for her to speak, only to pull it away as the back-up vocals picked up and amplified over and over. 

I’m way too good at goodbyes
(I’m way too good at goodbyes)
I’m way too good at goodbyes
(I’m way too good at goodbyes)

The hyur picked up the entire stand, slamming it into the stone, her boot clamping down on top to keep her grounded as she leaned forward, pressing her body against the metal as she shut her eye again. Her voice rumbled low as she carried every phrase with the pain it inflicted on her, recalling every memory in the passing year that brought her pain. Starting with the loss of her marriage, and every heartbreak that came after in her attempts to keep what she had lost with someone else. 

Every memory she brought up as she song dared to push a silver tear over the lip of her eye’s lid, glistening pain as she rocked herself from side to side, her boot’s heel thumping against the metal base over and over to keep herself in the rhythm as the band behind her continued to bound up and down, their expressions clear as things became less obstructed that they understood the meaning of the song and took it, playing every note with pride and sorrow all the same. No doubt it was a spectacle of emotion for the full crowd enjoying the music fully.

I know you’re thinking I’m heartless
I know you’re thinking I’m cold
I’m just protecting my innocence
I’m just protecting my soul

I’m never gonna let you close to me
Even though you mean the most to me
‘Cause every time I open up, it hurts
So I’m never gonna get too close to you
Even when I mean the most to you
In case you go and leave me in the dirt

With her voice raising to continue the song, she pushed herself away from the microphone stand itself, surely to catch and rouse the attention of the crowd once more, keeping them on their toes. A step away from the stand made the mutant’s spikes flare out behind her as she bent backward only to lurch forward, keeping herself a few ilms away. Her hands cast up to the sides of her head, grasping at the air with a burning passion as she centered, her words practically shuddering as the emotions hit her like hammer over a burning iron from a roaring forge. 

She kept herself animated, the emotions rolling over her were only to help her portray how the lyrics made her feel; pained yet proud to sing, hurting yet wanting to send her message of how she truly felt. Every memory that brought this song to her was something she knew she didn’t want, yet deserved it for every action she had made. 

The shine of the lights did well to mask the gentle tears that would fall in between the bounds she’d make, whether it were side to side or to take the microphone and it’s silver stand with her across the stage. 

But every time you hurt me, the less that I cry
And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry
And every time you walk out, the less I love you
Baby, we don’t stand a chance, it’s sad but it’s true

I’m way too good at goodbyes
(I’m way too good at goodbyes)
I’m way too good at goodbyes
(I’m way too good at goodbyes)
No way that you’ll see me cry
(No way that you’ll see me cry)

I’m way too good at goodbyes
(I’m way too good at goodbyes)
Oh, no, Oh, no, Oh
(I’m way too good at goodbyes)
No, Oh, no, Oh
No, Oh, no
(I’m way too good at goodbyes)
(No way that you’ll see me cry)
(I’m way too good at goodbyes)

Bounding over and over on their toes, Bella did what she could to hide the glistening shimmer that welled over her eye as the final chorus was sang loud and proud by her and the band. It was clear that she and the others enjoyed being able to perform, this much was true but how the song made the singer feel was struggling to be hidden, which.. perhaps played out, helping their performance as the crowd seemed to be grossly captivated by her words and the emotion behind them. 

The faces in the crowd could relate to the words in one way or another, this much alone caused their voices to join the band in the ending chorus as they began to give way to the final words.

Belladonna ripped the mic from the stand, bringing it to her lips as she bent forward, the other hand gripping the top of the metal stand as she bellowed out the last refrain. Every word she cried out was forceful, yet her voice never carried beyond the tone she needed to match the ferocious end to her song. Each line spoken started herself low only to raise her voice to the heavens above, the hand holding the magitek mic firmly raising into the sky above as she cried out her lyrics. 

‘Cause every time you hurt me, the less that I cry
And every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry
And every time you walk out, the less I love you
Baby, we don’t stand a chance, it’s sad but it’s true

I’m way too good at goodbyes

The tears she had been doing her damnedest to hide through the song began to quietly stream across the side of her cheek as the song’s guitars started to die away. The drummer’s cymbals were ringing after the final crash, as the rest of the band came to a gentle stand, burned on their energy for the music itself. 

Their eyes were closed as they stood tall, heads dipping low to hide their faces. Bella stood in the center between the band, both hands were gripping the microphone before her. Her breaths were shaking while the woman’s body shuddered from the adrenaline that coursed through her tired veins. 

The applause of the crowd could scarcely be heard over the thumping of her aged heart. Words were muffled as she felt that this… this night after everything that happened, was a good way to say goodbye.


It’s not a Happy Starlight night, but this definitely could help her.

Apologies for not writing something a bit more cheery for tonight, but I thought you’d enjoy this one regardless!

It’s been quite a crazy few years on this blog, and I’m happy I can create content for you. Hopefully you found this one just as enjoyable as the others. 

Merry X-mas if you celebrate it, happy holidays regardless if you don’t!

– Mun.