Don’t leave me lost here forever…

Tell me… please
just tell me to stay… (say something)..
I’ll turn..
I won’t look away..
I’ll stay here..

Farewell and godspeed…
Light years (now)..
between you and me..
I’m fading..

At night the earth will rise..
and I’ll think of you each time I watch from distant skies…

Whenever stars go down and galaxies ignite
I’ll think of you each time they wash me in their light
And I’d fall in love with you again…
I will find you..

A thousand armies won’t stop me I’d break through…
I’d soar the endless skies for only one sight of your starlight..

Don’t leave me lost here forever…

Show me your starlight and pull me through
Don’t leave me lost here forever…
I needed your starlight to pull me through…

Please… Don’t leave me lost here forever…

The rain came as but a mere dreary drizzle along the late night’s air. Idle crickets and cold breezes brushing through the trees were all that accompanied the whimpers and claw etches of her chocobo.

Not a soul nor light to be seen save for the distant starlight and the horizon’s glow of blue aetheryte many miles down the road… It was a lonely road. Lonelier still as she were left alone now…

Just as she always had been….

“Farewell… and goodbye… my Starlight.”

| @lilyverlial