The Cursed Barer.


Mentions: @its-morphin-time-xiv

It was a late night in the lane, in Ul’dah, Lily was retrieving a package Belladonna had asked her to grab on her way home from the Network Headquarters. It seemed like quite the quiet night.

The seeker kept on her way towards the aetheryte to teleport her way home. Though something stoppes. Her dead in her tracks. Her, and a chill when up her spine.

As she turned around she saw a portal open up with a figure in a black robe with a hood obscuring their face. “My… Young Illya, its been quite a long time…. How fairs my dear sister? Your mother.”

Lily’s ears had pinned back as she took a step back. “She’s dead…. Has been for many years, though I that you dead for many years uncle, Nerrick….” She said lowly, her body was tense and she was ready for just about anything.

He had a twisted grin on his face as he lowered the hood to show his grotesque face. Most of his features no longer his own. Most were twisted and mutated to look much like a voidsent, blackened scales adorned his face as well as horns. “Come my dear niece, we wish to merely give you the power you crave, that mark has such limitless potential to give…” He said outstretching his hand.

Though Lily stepped back as he did so. She held the parcel closely to her as she began to take off into a sprint though as she turned around, there he was right in front of her.

Swiftly before she could react his hand shot out wrapping his claws around her neck, slowly lifting her, off the ground. She felt his tight grip squeezing around her neck as she tried to breath.

Lily had dropped the parcel as she hands shot up to his trying to pry away his fingers. She looked down to him with fear and hatred in her eyes.

Though Nerrick brought his face close to hers. “Now, now dear Illya… I’ve merely come to give you a gift, and reminder that soon… Her come, with us in tow.” Her said with that grin tugging at his lips. His eyes glowed with that odd golden sheen that could be seen in Lily’s own left eye. “Now please enjoy your friendly reminder.” He cackled.

Lily’s eyes had gone wide as she felt it, that burning feeling when the mark first formed on her eye. She quickly kicked and lashed at him, her foot planted in the centre of his chest forcing Nerrick to let go.

Lily had fallen to the ground writhing and screaming as her hand was brought up to her eye. She felt as if her eye was melting out of her skull as she screamed in pure agony.

Nerrick had vanished into a portal with a few last words. “He comes! And when its time you will not deny him his prize!” He said cackling as he had vanished from the lane entirely, his voice echoing until it had faded into the silence of the night.

The seeker continued to scream in pain, Though she felt something rolling down the side of her face, something slick. Blood had been rolling down her cheek from her accursed eye.

The pain started to dull, though it had still rocked Lily to her very core. She moved to grab the parcel, and moved her hand to her morpher. She quickly clicked on the communications and said a few words. “Bell…. Help….” Was all she could choke out in her pain before the device clicked off.

The seeker left on the cold brick of the lane whimpering and curled up around the parcel that she swore to deliver home, to Bella.

Though right now she had been left laying on the ground in the cold air of the night.