
[!] Powerless [!] Audio Diary Entry: AD – 45 [!]

|| Mentions & Involvement || @lilyverlial @the-faceless-ffxiv

“It hurts.”

“It hurts you know?”

“Being powerless.”

“I don’t mean.. without power.. I don’t mean being without a Morpher, or some.. special affinity to Aether…”

“I mean… being there… watching someone you care about suffer, someone you love be hurt, suffering from something that you can’t stop.”

“And so… you just sit there, powerless. Helpless as your loved one clings to your fingers for dear life. As their tears from the hurting pain trickle down their cheeks.”

“It hurts me too.”

“For bells I’ve sat here, at her bedside, locked away in my armor. Locked away so I wouldn’t be susceptible to… to this Plague.

“Wear masks! Wear masks!” They say, and so I do… this contagion hurts, and so I remain in this suit… in this suit of armor as my loved one suffers not even fulms away from me. I sit here.. her hand in mine as she churns… as she remains ill.”

“And I am powerless to help her.”

“Yet even as she hurts… even as she suffers… even as we’re powerless, those that have looked her over.. see something. Something odd that others do not have… something about her that is different.”

“Her Aether.”

“They say it swirls like a hurricane, churning… changing.. centering around one point on her body.. The Morpher I had given her. They say in hushed whispers that her Aether churns there, going through the device like a filter over and over… cleansing itself.”

“Yet that isn’t enough for her to be well, she still hurts… She still suffers.. She’s still sick.”

“And I am powerless to help her, powerless to save her.”

“But I promised to remain here in the clinic and the regions nearby, so I could arrive in a moment’s notice..”

“Still though, as I work with the others on this… contagion.. I can’t help but just think of the Morpher and what it’s doing… ‘Course I then sometimes forget that us Rangers are operating a little differently.. Maybe its the essence she’s bound to… maybe not..”

“Suppose I could ask my own…”

“Maybe then I won’t feel just so powerless…”